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How long do football games last

The attraction of the NFL (National Football League), is slowly becoming apparent when there are millions of people around the globe. The matches are often so enjoyable that we forget the time. But, did you ever wonder: "How long are football games?" Many people feel that the matches, whether they are live or on TV, can be very long. But, what is the truth? ScottFujita will tell you the truth!


Each section lasts for an hour and is divided into four segments of 15 minutes each. Each round is 12 minutes long. This is only half of the story. The game takes an average time of 3 hours 12 minutes.

A American football game lasts 60 minutes. If you need more time, the second half can be extended by 15 minutes. This applies only to the NFL. There is no overtime limit in college football.

Due to interruptions from the penalty, assessment, and the time between innings, the game lasts longer than 60 minutes. Each quarter is 15 minutes long and comprises the first and second halves of the game.

A football game could last more than an hour. Depending on whether the game is in overtime, games can last up to three hours. A football match can be extended by media downtime and injuries, which can increase the time taken up by players. Recent research has shown that an average NFL game lasts around three hours.

We have now helped you answer the questions "How long is a football game?" and "How long are football games".


Understanding the basic game structure of NFL football will help you to appreciate how much time you'll spend watching it.


Each NFL game is divided into four quarters of 15 minutes each. Between the second and third quarters, there is a break. If the score is tied at the end of the third quarter, overtime will be called. The game is won by the team that scores first in the OT.

One quarter is 15 minutes long. The first quarter consists of two quarters. There will be a three-minute break after the end of the first round. The second inning will last for 15 minutes. The first half lasted 33 minutes.


The NFL 2017 benchmark was also followed by a short break lasting 13 minutes and 30 seconds. It is customary to provide live entertainment at all NFL championship games.

What is the NFL's halftime break? The time between sets is 12 minutes. The NFL Super Bowl's halftime break lasts longer. You can expect the Superbowl's 30-minute halftime breaks to last longer than that because celebrities are there.


After a brief stoppage, the game resumes with the third round. Next, start the 15-minute countdown. The third round will end with a three-minute break. In the last 15 minutes, the fourth quarter will be followed.

That's 33 minutes each for the first and second halves, respectively. Then there are 30 minutes for halftime breaks and 33 minutes each for the third half. You can expect to spend at least 96 minutes, an hour, and 36 minutes gaming time.


The sudden death of an overtime player would have been if the score was not changed at the end the quarter. The official game time for NFL was previously set at 15 minutes. This rule was modified in 2017 to allow for only 10 minutes. The game is won by the team that scores within 10 minutes.


It is remarkable how popular the NFL is when you look at the prices it offers each week on television. The average professional football game takes 3 hours and 12 mins. However, if you include the time that the ball was actually being played, it only took 11 minutes.

The basic rules of American football are part of the reason for the differences. Football's 60-minute clock can run, unlike basketball and hockey. This means that a lot of time is spent waiting or gathering before each playthrough begins.

The Wall Street Journal famously calculated 11 minutes of action a few years back. The analysis revealed that an average NFL broadcast spends 17 minutes more on replays than it does live.

The 75 minutes spent on the pitch is spent watching players, coaches, and referees. Average NFL games last only four seconds.

It's not just about the game, though. There are many ads to be seen. An average NFL game contains 20 commercial breaks. More than 100 ads are included in each one. The Journal's analysis found that advertising consumes about one hour or a third of the game's gameplay.

Football's stop-and-go nature makes it a great platform for advertising. This is in contrast to football, where broadcasters are forced to insert ads every 45 minutes. In Europe, broadcasts of NFL games include less advertising.


A game that is played in an NFL game is incredibly slow because of the clock management.

The clock stops when there is a change of ownership and the sides alternate between their 11-man offensive or defensive units.

These commercial breaks are often used to mark the NFL's vast global reach. Each team has approximately 12 assets, and each change is often greeted with a series of TV commercials.

Add in two video reviews of controversial calls and penalties. Each side can also take three timeouts. They have the option to stop the clock or take a two-minute break at the end of each round. You will see how much the break time increases the game's time.

What length of time is the NFL on TV?

A game between the NFL and other leagues lasts anywhere from 3 hours, 15 minutes, to 3 hours, and 30 minutes. There are exceptions to this rule, as each game is unique.

A typical introduction for an NFL broadcast is where broadcasters provide pregame analysis on the key players and special circumstances. After the introduction, the broadcaster will announce commercials and other breaks prior to the first kickoff.

A small postgame broadcast includes a brief recap of the game, followed by an interview with the player or coach. The average length of an NFL game should not exceed 3 hours 15 minutes.

What is the slowdown in NFL games?

The factors that determine the length of an NFL game are many. These factors include penalties and style of play, weather conditions and game flow.


A professional game is slowed down by penalties. This is because referees take time to make the call. The NFL averaged 17.6 penalties per game for the 2015 season. Comparatively, the average penalty rate in 2014 was 16.9 per game, and it was 16.6 per game in 2016. The average game length for both the 2014 and 2016 seasons was at least two minutes less than 2015.

The referees will come together when a referee throws the penalty flag. The penalty is then announced by the head referee to the stadium crowd. The penalty is announced to the stadium spectators by the head referee. After that, the ball can be moved to show the result. This allows the game to last an extra minute.

Although penalties are necessary to ensure American football follows code, they can also affect the game's flow and impact on fan experience.


In an NFL game, games that feature teams that prefer to pass the ball to offense will usually last longer than those that have offense-oriented teams.

This is because the game clock will stop on an incomplete pass. Games that have more game clock stops than games with a lot of running plays will ultimately result in a longer game.


Sometimes, games may be delayed by inclement weather, such as a thundercloud or lightning. Extreme snow or thunderstorms can make it difficult to throw the football. Teams will be more likely to run with the ball. As we have discussed, a run-laden offensive approach results in fewer game stops and reduces the overall game length.


Modern football is not without its limitations. If a coach believes that a referee has made an error, instant replay can be used to review the call. In 1999, replay review was added to the league. This has allowed for better decisions, but it has also led to longer games.

What is the length of a college football match?

College football games can take more than 3 hours to complete, just like professional football games. Each play lasts less than five seconds. There are also four 15-minute timeouts.

As part of a national concern, the SEC will make a few minor changes that may not be noticed by followers to cut down on average college game time. This article will discuss the top college football helmets.

What is the longest time a high school football game can last?

The average American football game for high school football lasts around 2 to 2.5 hours. There are four timeouts of 12 minutes each and a half-time between the second and third quarters. The clock doesn't run for 48 minutes, just like at any other level of football.

Varsity football's clock is composed of 12 minutes quarters, and another 10-20 for halftime. Junior varsity football plays in 10-12 minute quarters (often 10) and 10-20 for halftime.

The final game action depends a lot on how many times they stop time.


This article will tell you how long American football games can last. Super Bowl games last for about three hours and twelve minutes, which is quite different from college football games. This is due to the match review and the advertisement time. This answer to the question "How long are football games?" will hopefully help you understand more about this tournament's rules!


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